Recently, in a conversation with the General Manager of a hotel, I was told that the property couldn’t possibly need Consulting Services. After all, they managed to maintain their "star/diamond" rating despite high turnover, problems with Room Service, inconsistent maintenance, and an assortment of other problems. He additionally pointed out that his managers worked hard, did everything possible to correct any mistakes, and that he had some measurement tools to check informally how guests were feeling about their experiences. Many problems, he noted, went unnoticed by guests anyway.

The same General Manager agreed that some problems could be solved, but that it would require a concerted effort. 
I posed the question: "What would be the consequences of solving these problems?" He provided quite a list: less frustration
among his managers, fewer apologies to guests necessary, fewer complimentary meals and rooms, better morale among his employees, better service, and even lower costs.

This type of conversation has taken place innumerable times over the past several years. 
A lot of managers seem to think that, somehow, stars and diamonds are an end unto themselves, rather than a symbol of their achievements. It is also perceived that informal training and informal satisfaction sampling will suffice when ratings remain the same.

We see today, that gap still clearly exists between maintaining a given standard of service, and delivering a superior service experience. Quality and Standards is complete conformance to customer requirements and expectations.

In order to meet customer demands, our Consulting Services  ultimately involves gaining intelligence about what the customer wants, “managing service delivery, and evaluating that delivery. Tomorrow’s success depends largely upon embracing a comprehensive approach to your product today.  

By Manfred Schoebel

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